

José Figueroa Garcia from Spain is a true spiritual nomad who has studied a long time spiritual traditions and healing techniques across different continents. He has now distilled his teachings into three key concepts: intuition, compassion, and awareness. He has also shared the wisdom arising...

Wow! We managed it, first ever Intuition compassion and conciousness workshop online, thanks everyone for joining us on ICC1B. Interestingly enough the current situation is forcing the world to up its game and face both fears and go forward into paths previously rejected or avoided.We will...

Thanks everyone for coming and sharing on our Soul lessons karmic patterns and Bach remedies on Chronic illnesses module online workshop! These are the therapists that have completed all the 5 modules of Soul lessons and Bach remedies workshop. Congratulations: Elery Tammemägi, Sigrid Vahemets, Tauno...