by Kriste Eerme and Jose Figueroa

The Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness experience is an honouring of your souls’ desire to become and express your higher will in daily life and in healing practice. This retreat in Mexico is a journey to consciousness and awareness, ancient magic and healing.

Together, we will explore the secret oral teachings of both Eastern and Western traditions and you will have the opportunity to connect the dots between transpersonal psychology, quantum physics, ancient magic, metaphysics, personal growth, systemic work (family constellations) and many other disciplines. These secret oral traditions will offer you a gateway to Sacred Magic and ancient, unrevealed knowledge that has been passed from initiates to adepts for thousands of years.

If you are looking to deepen your understanding of the healing phenomena, become familiar with the ancient traditions, receive ancestral energy empowerments and raise your intuition to totally new levels, this retreat is for you. Whether you are an experienced energy healer, holistic therapist, bodyworker, or you are just starting in your path of aiding others, this education is essential in expanding your awareness of healing, Spirit and the very fabric of reality.


I am a transformational coach and healer who has attended two of Jose’s retreats. I received enormous benefits from these retreats and Jose’s teachings. I was previously trained in reiki, however Jose’s in-depth training filled in the missing pieces and gave me a whole new perspective on reiki that made me feel more confident and eager to use it. As someone who does energy work and provides coaching in the area of manifestation, having an understanding of the esoteric side of things has given me the context to become a more knowledgeable and impactful coach, and a better healer. I highly recommend this retreat for any practitioner who is doing any kind of energy work.
Transformational coach , Therapist and Energy Healer- Susan Mathew.

I signed up for the ICC workshop of Jose and Kriste with the hope of exploring more about healing and Reiki technics. I was introduced to spirituality by joining 3 events of Joe Dispenza which took me very deep into meditation technics and quantum physics. I thought that nothing can take me deeper. I did not expect to be so impressed and inspired by the ICC workshops. It ended up being a very transformative experience that changed my perception of reality. A deep dive into the secrets of esoterics, healing and universal laws combined with lots of practical lessons. The whole education provided me a very necessary understanding and knowledge about the magical tools I received during the workshop. I am immensely grateful for this experience and I am definitely going to continue my education with Jose and Kriste. Can’t wait for the next one!
Energy Therapist- Anna Adamczyk.

The Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness retreat in Mexico that was organised by Jose and Kriste was the most amazing experience ever! The knowledge about reiki was combined with the deep esoteric knowledge and wisdom which has been kept in secret for centuries and which enriched my own knowledge significantly. The proximity of the ancient Mexican pyramids to the venue of the workshop was very powerful and empowering which could easily be felt by more sensitive people. The morning meditations and channellings by Kriste were so interesting that I was really looking forward to them with great anticipation and excitement. I really liked that I got so much valuable information and practices in addition to reiki. I recommend it to everybody!
Therapist and Energy Worker-Agnes Laine.

The retreat in Uxmal was very special. It was luxurious and at the same time natural place of staying in a 100 years old hacienda style hotel in a jungle with the singing of the birds in the morning (there are over 200 species of birds 😮), energetically very special place (in 5 minutes walking distance is the pyramid of the magicians, which has very powerful energy), delicious nourishing food (even too nourishing ;-)) and of course the retreat itself created by Jose and Kriste. It was magical how the ancient teachings were accompanied by channellings, synchronicities and experiences from different power places according to the needs of the group. I am still very grateful to myself that I enabled myself to experience all that! Jose teachings of Intuition Compassion and Consciousness and the secrets of reiki has expanded the perception and helped to see the world in a very deep level and risen the state of consciousness as a therapist. Being more conscious, it is easier to be compassionate without judgements which is the only way. Today I feel that it gave me a very solid base as a therapist. It is much more interesting and easier to see the whole life this way.
Therapist and Energy Healer- Kadri Karula.


  • Develop and expand your intuition
  • Witness your energy channel widen and your energy healing capacity increase exponentially
  • Receive practical tools to work with daily to raise your frequency and have a deep healing impact on others
  • Learn and make sense of totally new information you haven’t heard elsewhere
  • Experience individual and group channellings with your own spirit guides and spiritual teachers from the other side – this will offer you a deeper understanding, new perspective and very personal insights into your own healing and life path
  • Receive precious information and tools that will enable you to improve your energy healing practice
  • Transform your own reality and align it with what your higher-self wishes for you
  • Experience a powerful place full of history and magic
  • Gain unforgettable memories to take back home with you from Mexico


Develop your intuition to its maximum potential and become a channel for the higher will, entering the hidden path of intuitive healing.

  • Exploring the importance of the shadow, non-dualistic thinking and the nature of energy treatments and their correlation to psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology.
  • Transpersonal psychology meets energy medicine.
  • The secrets of a compassionate healing practitioner.
  • The laws of reality and the mystery of interdimensional quantic matrix.
  • The real name of the The Law of Attraction and what you have never heard of it and its realities concerning healers and energy workers.
  • The ugly sister of the law of attraction.
  • The third law of reality/manifestation – What the ancient traditions have to say about manifestation and the right way around it.
  • Karma, soul beliefs and the mysteries of suffering.
  • Japanese ancient traditions, secrets of Reiki and the eastern esoteric orders
  • Awakening and discovering the intuitive healer.
  • The three jewels of Japanese practice. The nine Tibetan doors of soul and what you have never heard about the chakras, discover a totally different way to see the healing picture.
  • Practical healing, clinical cases of the last 20 years. Different clinical cases will be explored to understand different realities affecting clients with a variety of mental, emotional and physical issues in order to understand the real causes behind many different types of suffering.
  • Understanding and handling healing crises, paranormal phenomena (a little trip into the hidden realities of the mind and the inter-dimensional realities).
  • The interdimensional understanding of mental and emotional disorders.
  • A lot of healing practice …


March 26th – April 4th, 2023


We welcome you to the amazing village of Tepoztlan, birthplace of Quetzalcoat, the feathered serpent! 


This retreat is the entrance to the Intuition, Compassion & Consciousness Education – it is the first module (ICC 1A).

This program is about perception of reality as it really is and not as we believe it to be. Within it transpersonal psychology, Taoist and Buddhist mystic and magical thinking meet to benefit all sentient beings. You will gain a whole new way of understanding the reality of disease, looking at it from both a psychological and metaphysical perspective. Discover the secrets of inter-dimensional medicine, entropic suffering and the compassionate approach.

We offer 6 modules over a period of 3 years. There is no obligation for you to take future modules, there is infinite possibility.

ICC 1A: Initiation
ICC 1B: Introduction To Ancient Magic
ICC 2A: Sacred Magic
ICC2B: Dissolving Space and Time
ICC 3A: Self Mastery
ICC 3B: Mastership


Kriste Erme is an acclaimed Estonian medium, energy healer, breath- and bodyworker, dearmouring therapist and osteopath. Kriste will be jointly teaching with Jose, helping participants through her many gifts to shift in mind, body and spirit. She will be channeling individual spirit guides, as well as to the group as a whole. She will also be carrying daily teachings and practical classes together with active meditations, bodywork, breathwork and systemic work (family constellations), helping to join the dots in your very personal and individual process. During this retreat Kriste will be channeling teachings together with José, making the esoteric transmissions of knowledge of ancient wisdom even more connected and relevant to those present. Kriste will also be channeling individual teachers and guides of those attending, including Alfiar – master of the ancient traditions and former esoteric teacher of José while alive.

José D Figueroa is an international recognized specialist on ancient traditions, Energy Medicine and teacher that has introduced healing and Reiki programs in Hospitals and Health organizations around the world for the last 17 years, in the fields of cancer, fibromyalgia, mental health and chronic fatigue syndrome among others. Jose was introduced to the esoteric tradition in 1984 and to energy healing in 1986, and has been a professional healer and teacher since 2006. For more information about José, click here.

Limited spaces available!
For more information, booking and enquiries please contact Kriste
directly by email: or by phone/WhatsApp: +372 56564707


  • 7 nights stay at a beautiful, healthy, and powerful four star hotel in Mexico
  • Daily esoteric teachings from José
  • A ritual of Initiation into the Ancient Mysteric Traditions with empowerment into intuitive healing and Reiki following the Mikio esoteric tradition of Japan
  • Daily mindfulness practices
  • Group channeling sessions with Kriste
  • Group workshops

Group Frequency Raising activities such as:

  • Guided meditations
  • Family constellations
  • Biodynamic breathwork
  • Bodywork
  • Trauma release sessions
  • Daily hands on Reiki practice
  • Daily active meditations
  • Nourishing meals three times daily – breakfast, lunch and dinner (vegan and vegetarian options available)


  • Optional excursion activities (afternoon)
  • Flights and insurance
  • Airport transfers
  • One-on-one sessions and treatments


All prices quoted are PER PERSON
Single occupancy: room to yourself – private bathroom, air conditioning, free wifi – 1,945 EUR
Double occupancy: share a room with someone you know or make a new friend – Queen and King size rooms, twin rooms available – one bathroom, air conditioning, free wifi- 1,595 EUR per person.

Limited spaces available!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us
by email:
by phone/WhatsApp: +372 56564707


The retreat facilitated by Jose and Kriste is a mystical experience. Carefully chosen energetically supportive and safe environment, staying in a place of high quality, good company, experienced teachers giving practical teachings from life, excursions to exciting places. I warmly recommend this retreat to everybody who would like to get to know more about healing.
Medical Doctor, Accupuncturist and Energy Healer- Erki Ennok.

Thank you for the incredible Mexico retreat in Coba! I really enjoyed the ancient wisdom shared by Jose and beautiful Mayan elders. Personally, I had very powerful visions while visiting Coba pyramid complex and it widened my sensitive skills a lot. Experiences in cenotes and temascal were mind blowing. And of course the reiki energy’s update lifted me in every possible ways. As a healer and a therapist I have found myself using many techniques I have learned while being Jose’s student. My view for life has changed and together with that also my awareness for many things. Looking forward to further meetings in Mexico. After receiving Jose’s energy healing and reiki teachings, I have been to other facilitators workshops, and I have come to the understanding of the depths of importance of what I learned at Jose’s retreats. I am looking forward to attending more in the future.
Holistic Therapist and Energy Healer- Anneli Saal.

The retreat was life changing for me because it was an amazing start to a new chapter in my life. After the initiations and all the daily practices, I felt so connected to my spirit and consciously guided like I had never experienced before. I started to feel a deeper relationship with spirit and the universe while noticing “coincidences” and magic occurring more often for me. Over half a year after the first retreat, I was healing the emotions within my system using the techniques I had learned. Whenever I use the practices I feel a huge shift and know it is impacting my ancestral lineage. It was so beautiful to realise how blessed I am to have found Jose, who gives such deep understanding and value. I have no doubts that the healing I have learned works perfectly and helps to heal myself and others. My whole state of being has changed. In the environment, I met the perfect like-minded people that helped me grow.
Yoga Teacher, Therapist and Energy Healer- Anna Kägo.

Jose’s teachings are as deep as a national library. He knows what he is talking about, and more than just the energy work, it the global refreshing view on the healing reality. It’s not something that need to be understood by the mind, it’s something to be felt. The calling was there more in me and I’m very happy to use all of his teachings of reiki energy healing with all what I do.
Kriste is an amazing facilitator of the retreat from the beginning until the end. The polarity that she’s creating with José is the perfect balance to support our process and the integration of energies. Kriste’s channeling during the retreat was supportive in the group and Individual process and helped to clarify for better understanding of teaching. It’s powerful!
I really recommend the training, as it is a very complete and rich course and it is for anyone that feels to go in a proper way into energy healing
Body Worker, Dearmourer and Energy Healer- Anthony Larnaudie

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