“I hade been looking for a Reiki course for some time when I a student of Jose Figueroa Garcia recommended his workshop. March 2010 I took the level 1 of the education with Jose. I was at that time working with Ayurvedic head massage, and my clients had good results. Many of my clients had problems with stress, sleep and digestion. Already the day after the taking level 1 course I could feel the difference when I was giving the head massage. It was a more intense feeling of energy and my intuition got sharper. My clients also noticed the difference with the head massage, and they had even faster results. I was also giving only Reiki to some clients with very good results on stress, back problems, muscle and joints ache to mention some. It was through Jose that I got to try Bach flower remedies the first time. I knew about it since before, but I had never used it earlier. The Bach flower remedies together with Jose’s understanding of the situation helped me to overcome an issue that I had had for some time but that I couldn’t work out on my own. The flowers work instantly; I felt different already after 2 days about the problem I had. After this success I recommended friends to try the Bach therapie, and they also had good results. April 2011 Jose Figueras Garcia held a Bach flower remedy course. He went through the Bach flower remedies system, the archetypes and gave us a great understanding of the body-mind connection. After the course I have been practising quite a lot, and it has been a wonderful tool. My clients have had major improvement on various issues; all from depression, anxiety, sleep, phobias and all sorts of problems connected to communication; not being able to set limits or to speak up for oneself. It has been an enormous pleasure to be able to work with the Bach flower remedies, I feel grateful about that. I strongly recommend anyone interested in physical and psychological health to learn the Bach flower remedy system and Reiki with Jose Figueras Garcia.”
Marika Cavalli-Björkman, Ayurvedic Therapist | Sweden
“Jose’s workshop, The Magical Roots of Reiki, helped me bring my Shamanic and Reiki practices closer together, resulting in more powerful healing. He shows how the combination of the forms of Reiki as practiced in Japanese today is closer to Mikao Usui’s original teachings. And it is also very close to some of the Shamanic techniques I have learned. By focussing on the intuitive style taught, I have found that I am now better able to open the door to healing and get out of the way of the healing energy flowing into the client, resulting in more powerful healing. Jose’s research is extensive, and his description of the differences between the “American” Reiki (from the Hawayo Takata lineage) and the other 6 schools of Reiki is priceless. He dove deep into the power of symbols, and understanding this is essential for unleashing their full power. Bringing all of the 7 schools together is the natural way to understanding Reiki more fully. I recommend the workshop to any open minded practitioner who wants to go deeper into it, or anyone learning about this for the first time.”
Brian K., Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner | USA
“Beware! Taking part in this course can be very dangerous: it can change your life forever, give a fully new meaning and direction to it and this process is nonreversible! You may find side effects like sticky hands that do not want to come apart from people, or hands that want to touch other bodies all the time . It can be addictive — you may also wish to partake in other workshops by José D. Figueroa Garcia . Before taking a decision please consult your heart! I attended this course a couple of months ago, something was calling me there. I have to say it was far more interesting than I expected. The lecturer was very good, humorous and with plenty of experience. An interesting and useful course for a beginner interested in esoterics, but also for advancers. I would therefore recommend this course to anyone, but particularly to those who are helping/healing others!” Original text in Estonian: “Ettevaatust! Kursusel osalemine võib olla väga ohtlik: see võib muuta sinu elu igaveseks, anda su elule täiesti uue suuna ja mõtte ning see protsess on tagasipöördumatu! Võib esineda kõrvalnähte nagu käed, mis ei taha enam teise inimese küljest lahti tulla või käed, mis tahavad teisi kehasid pidevalt puudutada.😝Võib tekitada raskekujulist sõltuvust: soovi osaleda ka kõigil järgmistel Jose D Figueroa Garcia workshopidel.😁 Enne otsuse langetamist pidada nõu oma südamega! Käisin paar kuud tagasi sellel kursusel, miski tõmbas mind sinna. Pean tunnistama, et ta oli palju huvitavam kui ma oodata oskasin. Väga hea lektor, lihtne, humoorikas ja selgelt korraliku kogemuspagasiga. Huvitav ja kasulik nii algajale esoteerika huvilisele kui ka juba selles vallas kaugele edasi jõudnuile. Seega soovitan soojalt ja eriti neile, kes te tegelete teiste inimeste aitamise/tervendamisega!”
Joonas: Coah, Therapist, Healer | Estonia
“Conocí a Figueroa a través de un conocido mío. Nunca había padecido de insomnio y asombrosamente, ese año comencé a pasar una dura etapa en la que me era imposible conciliar el sueño. Figueroa vino personalmente a mi casa para tratarme ya que con mi vida ajetreada no era capaz de buscar una horita en mi agenda. Después de pasar conmigo una buena hora, me recetó unas flores las cuales me tomé esa misma noche. Nunca olvidaré ese día ya que conseguí sin problema alguno dormir como un bebé toda la noche. Desde entonces, Figueroa se ha convertido en el terapeuta de mi familia, uno de mis hijos comenzaba el Instituto este año y estaba muy nervioso, más bien alterado. José lo trató y sinceramente, fue una ayudita para ese gran día; se tranquilizó bastante. Estos son 2 ejemplos de otros que ha ofrecido José en nuestra casa. Otra experiencia muy buena fue el “tranquilmansin” de José, a veces por mi ritmo y responsabilidades, había padecido de estress, 1 ó 2 veces en años y un gran cansancio… José me preparó unas gotas que les llamó “Rescate” para tomármelas en caso de verme con mucho estrés o cogerme un enfado…si bien nunca llegué a tomar las famosas pastillas que me indicaban los médicos para esos momentos, los tranquilmasines, sí me tomé en más de una ocasión El rescate y funcionó de maravilla. No puedo negar que hasta llegué a darle a mi marido una vez y también le funcionaron. Actualmente, me he iniciado en Reiki Reiki Avanzado, hace años me hacía una gran ilusión pero no había tenido tiempo, finalmente, sin querer, llegó hace semanas el momento y José Figueroa es ahora mi maestro. Practico todos los días y le doy Reiki a mi hijos y amigos. Honestamente, me siento mucho mejor y para mi está siendo un gran descubrimiento, es muy apasionante. Sobra decir que ha sido un regalo conocer a José, al cual considero ya un amigo, le respeto enormemente como persona y profesional, y le deseo lo mejor.”
Beatriz | Spain
“Jose’s workshop has shifted my mind and I had to reprogram and allow myself to a new beggining. I have seen the effects in my private practice right away. The Monday after the workshop, I had a client with a severe physical condition. After the session he began to see the connection with emotional aspects of his life he had not seen in 30 years. Next, another client who was suffering from breast pain, expressed after receiving treatment that “when you laid your hands on me, I felt a fountain of water flowing and a bird flying up”. When she came the next week she stated her pain had subsided. Not only my hands have been going where they need to go, hands and heart have been working in incredible sinchronicity. Lastly, a patient I have seen with metastatic cancer, a montht after taking the workshop, asked how did I know I had placed my hands on the right spots. Also, I was working on another woman and my hands directed me to her right breast. At the end of the session, she look at me and said ” thank you, I just came from seeing my physician and they just found something in there”. I told my patients that our hands have the eyes and feelings of the source and that they work in great freedom. That makes a difference.”
Adriana Faiman, MSW Reiki Master | USA
“The weekend course of José was good. I got answers to many questions like “why is this happening”. It felt like pieces fell into place. I felt relieved. I have always had a connection to the spiritual life. When Reiki came to my life, I found an explanation to my sensitivity. Now that knowledge became deeper. I have never experienced any fear or anxiety around these sensations because they have always been there. As a general feedback, the course was compact, beneficial and it had a clear structure. Now it’s wonderful to keep on healing with Reiki because now I know that I only need to trust my intuition. This way of healing feels more like my thing.” Original text (in Finnish): “Josén vkonloppu kurssi oli hyvä, sain vastauksia miksi näin tapahtuu ja palaset ikäänkuin loksahtelivat paikoilleen. Olo oli helpottunut. Minulla on aina ollut yhteys henkimaailmaan, joten kun reiki tuli elämääni sain siitä yhden selityksen herkkyyteeni. Nyt kurssilla tieto syventyi. Koskaan en ole kokenut tuntemuksiani ahdistavia/pelottavina, koska näin on aina ollut. Yleinen palaute kurssista, tiivis, selkeästi rakennettu ja tarpeellinen. Ryhmässä oli helppo olla. Nyt on ihana jatkaa hoitamista kun tietää että luottaa vain intuitioonsa. Nyt hoitaminen tuntuu enemmän omalta tavalta toimia.”
Sonia | Finland
” The worksop was a powerful experience. It was exactly what I needed that time. The message about the three essential qualities: intuition, compassion and consciousness was simple, grounding, and humbling and Jose’s deep knowledge of the history of esoteric traditions was impressive. The intensity of beautiful, powerful energies was tangible during and after the workshop. The experience clearly gave me the needed support to take the next essential step on my path in healing.”
Eeva-Maija: Shaman, Teacher, Healer | Finland
A.K. A holistic regression therapist “I participated in the course “Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness”. The teacher said that the things changed very quickly already after the workshop and he was true to his word — the world started speaking to me much more clearly. This course convinced me about the importance of intuition in therapeutic work: I’ve got motivation to always listen to it, trust in it even more and decide according to my intuition what is best for my client. The same with empathy. Humans are so powerful themselves, they just need space to open up. Holding them space and listening to our intuition enables us to reach the best outcome for our clients. And giving others so much in this way brings so much back to ourselves.” Original text in Estonian: “Osalesin koolitusel “Intuitsioon, empaatia ja teadlikkus- tervenduse ja puhta vibratsiooniga. Tõestust leidis koolitaja ütlus, et asjad muutuvad ja kiires tempos ning tõesti, minu suureks üllatuseks hakkas maailm pärast kursust palju valjemini minuga rääkima. Minus sai endale kinnitust intuitsiooni kuulamise tähtsus terapeuditöös, sain motivatsiooni seda alati kuulata, veelgi rohkem usaldada ja sellest lähtuvalt otsustada, mis on kliendile parim hetkel. Sama tähtis on emapaatia, inimesed on ise nii võimsad , et piisab neile vaid ruumi anda ja nad avanevad ise ning hoides neile seda ning kuulates oma intuitsiooni on tulemuseks parim tulemus kliendile ja selliselt andes teisele, saame ka ise niiii, niiii palju.”
A.K. Holistiline regressiooniterapeut | Estonia
“”Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness” has been a literally eye and heart opening course for me. Already the title of this workshop speaks for itself: intuition, compassion and consciousness are three enchanted keys that open the door to a completely new realm of intuitive healing and the way we sense our lives. I truly admire José’s vast knowledge of esoteric teachings both from East and West, world history, traditional and modern healing practices. The multifaceted topics covered in the course are woven into an easily understandable picture through clear reasonings and colorfully humorous examples. This course provides plenty of practical knowledge and skills that are suitable for both experienced therapists and beginners alike, to people whose work is to help others and also to those who are interested in a deeply transforming self-development. There is nothing more beautiful in life than to trust and follow our inner wisdom, communicating with the world within and around us through deep comprehension and compassionate heart.” Original text in Estonian:“Intuitsioon, kaastunne ja teadlikkus” on minu jaoks olnud sõna otseses mõttes südant ja silmi avav koolitus. Juba kursuse pealkirigi räägib kõnekalt iseenda eest: intuitsioon, kaastunne ja teadlikkus on kolm võluvõtit, mis teevad lahti ukse täielikult uude mõõtmesse intuitiivses tervendamises, nagu ka meie elutunnetuses tervikuna. Imetlen siiralt José laialdast tarkusevara ida ja lääne esoteerilistest õpetustest, maailmapärandi ajaloost ning traditsioonilistest ja kaasaegsetest tervenduspraktikatest. Kursusel käsitletavad mitmekülgsed teemad lõimib ta arusaadavalt hoomatavaks tervikpildiks läbi selgete mõttekäikude ja humoorikate näidete. Andes osalejatele kaasa rohkesti praktilisi, koheselt kasutatavaid teadmisi, oskusi ja taipamisi, sobib see koolitus suurepäraselt nii juba pikaajaliste kogemustega kui alles hiljuti oma teekonda alustanud terapeutidele, inimestele, kelle töö on seotud teiste aitamisega, samuti ka neile, kes huvituvad sügavuti transformeerivast enesearengust. Elus pole midagi kaunimat, kui usaldada ja järgida oma sisemist tarkust, suheldes maailmaga meie sees ja ümber läbi sügava mõistmise ning kaastundliku südame.“ Intuition, Compassion and Consiousness part 1, Finland 2016
Aivi | Estonia
Before I attended the abundance workshop, I was more than convinced that nothing could possibly make my financial situation and overall life situation better. I had been jobless for over 4-5 months. I got rejected from every possible place I sent my CV to. I had really lost all hopes. After taking the workshop something truly shifted in my life. I got a call the next day from my current boss who asked if I still wanted to join their team. It was a gardening job I had really been dreaming of but got rejected a month ago cause I didn't have enough experience. The day after that i got another call from a veterinarian (who also rejected me a few months ago do to lack of experience) asking if I was still interested in helping him make medicinal raw food for sick cats (irony being – I'm making raw food for cats who have diabetes- I myself have diabetes as well). A week after the abundance workshop I got myself a practice place where to do my chef practice for school. They normally don't pay for people who come to do their practice, but the universe gifted me a practice place that is actually paying me. Every aspect of my life has been growing into tremendous abundance. My friendships have grown so much stronger and so full of love and support. I get along with all my family members (this has not happened before). My love life has truly blossomed. I'm so full of life and happiness and gratitude its just so amazing. I will be forever grateful for what Jose has done for me.
Maria I. M.
“Change for better. My first experience with Reiki was for 10 years ago, when I was going through a rough period in my life. Because of the stress I couldn’t sleep, but thanks to my sister that had level 1 of traditional line and gave me Reiki, I managed to sleep profoundly and be able to handle the situation much better. Some months later I faced another big challenge, and because of my anxiety I became much vulnerable. A dear friend who lives in Portugal, sent me Reiki (at distance) to help me in difficult time. It was like magic: in a moment, my anxiety disappeared. I was so thankful and fascinated by this amazing tool, that, as soon as I had the opportunity, I took all the levels with good time in between… Reiki became a part of me and my life. When I listened to José and his lecture in Bergen, I felt immediately that this was something that would bring me a step further in my experience and it was time for me to start to work actively with Reiki, not only for me but also for others! I feel that Jose’s workshop brings the total knowledge of Reiki to the surface and I was also very impressed with holistic integration of Reiki and the esoteric tradition, that for me gives me a higher understanding of live (us, the others, nature and cosmos). Finally, after receiving empowerment during the workshop, the feeling and the effect of Reiki became much stronger! It was like changing from a shower to a waterfall I’m very happy to become a student of José and admire him greatly for his humbleness and great responsibility as a person and as a teacher!”
Susana Afonso, Massage & Reiki Therapist and Reflexologist | Norway
” Finally I have time to sit down to say a BIG thank you for coming through to South Africa and bringing with you the key to a wonderfully intuitive and “artistic” way of healing practice through Reiki. It has been an absolutely amazing experience to do this course with you and I have learnt so much. Having a better understanding of Reiki as intended by Mikao Usui, its history and its links to ancient magick have enabled me to internalise Reiki to a far greater extent. It also resolved some of the conflict that I had within myself between what I wanted to do instinctively and intuitively and what I learned to be “the way” in the Takata fashion. Everything that I have assimilated thus far now has appropriate merit and dovetails to form the basis a more powerful knowing – of Reiki in general but more so, about internalising and personalising Reiki as a way of and towards true healing; not only for myself, but for my friends, family, clients and the greater good of humanity. I am empowered and liberated. Thank you!”
Thea van der Merwe Ph. D. Reiki Master | South Africa
“Hola, me llamo Steve y soy deportista profesional, practico un deporte muy competitivo donde la concentración mental, el equilibrio emocional en la cancha y la resistencia física lo son todo. Conocí a Figueroa a través de otro profesional que había sufrido mucha ansiedad y problemas para dormir en general, y particularmente antes de las competiciones. Me lo recomendó encarecidamente, pues me dijo que con las sesiones de Reiki y un tratamiento muy personalizado con las Flores de Bach su vida profesional y personal habían cambiado radicalmente. Lo mío siempre habían sido las tensiones muscular y nerviosa junto con sentimientos irracionales de falta de valía que me estaban llevando muy abajo en mi categoría. Todos me decían lo mucho que valgo y mi entrenador me había hecho ir a varias formas de terapia física y emocional, incluso había comprado flores de Bach en un herbolario, el famoso Rescue Remedy. Figueroa estuvo un día entero conmigo charlando, escuchándome y evaluando los pensamientos y emociones que me estaban amargando la vida, al día siguiente me dio la primera sesión de Reiki de mi vida, muchas han seguido a esa. No tengo palabras para describir las sensaciones y estado en el que entré ese dia fueron MARAVILLOSOS e INCREIBLES, despues me preparó mis Flores del deportista, como él las llama. Durante 3 meses las tomé a rajatabla. En todo ese tiempo muchas cosas cambiaron para mí, de hecho, sin querer caer en tópicos no sólo soy el de antes … ¡¡¡SOY MI MEJOR YO!!! Figueroa es mi entrenador terapéutico. Tiene herramientas (Flores) para todo, pero sobre todo está siempre ahí. Animo a todo el que lea estas líneas a trabajar con las Flores y a experimentar su mejor yo.”
Steve | Spain
“The course was like a magnificent movie. I had some expectations based on the course name and the “trailer”, but the content and the realization was a mystery. I had high expectations but they were exceeded! The story was so gripping from the beginning. Right now I feel like the course was a watershed in my spiritual path. There was a life before the course and there is the life after the course. I can’t wait the second part of the course!” Original text in Finnish: “Kurssi oli kuin loistava elokuva. Jotain osasi odottaa jo nimen ja “trailerin” perusteella, mutta sisältö ja toteutus oli arvoitus.Odotukset olivat korkealla, mutta ne ylittyivät. Tarina piti otteessaan alusta asti vei mukanaan. Tällä hetkellä tuntuu siltä kuin kurssi olisi ollut eräänlainen vedenjakaja henkisellä polulla. Eli elämä ennen ja jälkeen kurssin. Odotan erittäin suurella mielenkiinnolla kurssin toista jaksoa.”
Ari | Finland
“In the early 1990’s I did an Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki course(Traditional Takata line) level 1 and 2 in Iceland. To begin with, I used it quite allot but never really experienced anything big with it. Yes, people told me that I had warm hands but I had also had that before Reiki. I did not really see any big effects from using the Reiki so I more or less stopped using it. My interest moved to other healing tools such as The Bach Flower Remedies. Last February I met Jose at an open house in Unity and got a 15 minute treatment from him and after that he invited me to come and practice at Balansepunktet the coming Tuesday. Since then I have been there every week to reawaken my Reiki. The third week at Balansepunktet I got a Reiki attunement and then I started to get a different feedback from the people I was giving Reiki to and I could feel my energies becoming a lot stronger. In May I was initiated into level 1 of Jose’s education, in June I took level 2 as well and my Reiki channeling energy has gotten really strong. Some comments I have gotten since I received Jose’s education are: “It felt like there was an extra pair of hands on me!” “I felt very safe under the treatment” “Very strong energies” “Your hands stayed behind when you moved!” “It felt as you were in two places at once” “Suddenly I felt so relaxed” “I thought that there was someone else also giving Reiki to me” I am now giving Reiki sessions, hands on and long distance with great results, to both people and animals.”
Inga Thorlaug Robertsdottir, Professional Reiki Healer | Island
“I partook in the first module of “Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness” and have to say that José is a great teacher — he can explain complex things easily and understandably, illustrate his talk with amazing comparisons and he merges it all with a delightful sense of humour. The theory he teaches is comprehensible and systematic, and he provides a lot of useful practical examples. My first client, who received the energy transmission on the last day of the course, was so fascinated by this that she decided to take part of the course herself to govern this magic. The day after transmitting the energy it felt like I was connected to a power grid — even the soles of my feet were on fire. These energies are hot ⚡️!” Original text in Estonian: “Osalesin kursuse Intuition, Compassion and Consciousness esimesel modulil ja võin öelda, et Jose on suurepärane õpetaja: ta oskab keerulisi asju seletada lahti lihtsalt ja arusaadavalt, ta ilustreerib oma juttu imeliste võrdluste abil ning segab kõike mõnusa huumoriga. Tal on mõistetav ja süsteemne teooria käsikäes eluliste näidete ja praktikaga. Igaljuhul minu elu esimene patsient, kursuse viimasel päeval antud energiaülekande vastuvõtja oli sellest maagiast nii lummatud, et avaldas koheselt soovi ka ise sellel kursusel osaleda ja seda maagiat vallata😍. Mina tundsin ennast peale selle energia vahendamist järgmisel päeval Nagu oleksin ühendatud vooluvõrku, jalatallad > leekides. These energies are hot🔥⚡️✨😜!”
Helen | Estonia
“I am a psychologist specialized in oncology and work daily with women affected by breast cancer.My first experience with the Bach Flowers remedies was at a personal level.During two years I generated such a stress that getting up in the mornings was a colossal effort, I didn’t have any strength for anything, chairs were beckoning me, in short I felt awful and nothing that was sold on the market for stress worked for me. At some point, several years ago, I tried the flowers but I had some doubts about following the treatment.Some years later, I was offered a new opportunity to begin with them through José Figueroa, and the truth is, I obtained things that with the traditional allopathic treatment I didn’t, the latter was only patching up the problem not getting to the cause. Now, after the treatment with Jose, I sleep well, I enjoy my children, I have time for everything and I have the strength to get up each morning. My two years old son used to wake-up, terrified, several times during the night and there was no way he could rest. I started to put the Bach Flowers remedies in his bath and in his lotion. Since then, he sleeps peacefully, and his father and I, also. After my personal experience I wanted to transmit that energy to the group of women with whom I work. Women who don’t sleep, who have been hit by the diagnosis of a disease that society labels as terrible, with low self esteem – occasionally rooted in the new image they have of their own body – and a long list of other issues. The women affected by breast cancer, who have tried both therapies, are very pleased with them as without a doubt their quality of life has improved.I hope that my experience will convince you to try and verify, by yourself, the power of the flowers and the way they can improve your quality of life.”
Delia Murios Rubio | Spain
” The workshop was very powerful and I got a lot more confidence as a healer. My intuition has become much stronger already now and I feel that I sense energies easier than before in different situations. Workshop gave me many practical tips, for example I learned how to heal without loosing my own energy. I like the way Jose teaches: it’s very down to earth, fun and interesting. The course was extremely interesting.” Original text (in Finnish): “Workshop oli hyvin voimallinen ja koin että sain lisää itseluottamusta hoitamiseen. Intuitioni on vahvistunut merkittävästi jo nyt ja koen, että aistin energioita helpommin eri tilanteissa kuin aiemmin. Workshop antoi myös paljon hyviä käytännön vinkkejä mm. siihen miten jaksaa hoitajana kuormittumatta itse. Pidän myös Josen opetustyylistä, joka on maanläheinen, hauska ja pitää mielenkiinnon yllä. Kurssin aihe oli äärimmäisen mielenkiintoinen.”
Mira: Equine-Assisted Therapist, Shaman, Healer | Finland
“Acudí a el tratamiento con Flores de Bach, después que comprobé como le estaban funcionando a mi mujer, en verdad no pensé, que esto pudiera funcionar cuando ella me comento que iba a ir. Por mi trabajo me encuentro sometido a mucha presión y mis síntomas eran estrés, trastornos de sueño, me costaba dormir y cuando lo hacía me despertaba de madrugada viniéndome a la cabeza siempre lo mismo los problemas del trabajo. Durante muchos años lo mas que me podía quedar durmiendo un fin de semana era hasta las 9.30 AM y eso era un logro. Llevo aproximadamente 3 meses con el tratamiento y la semana que viene es mi última consulta, el resultado para mi es increíble, cuando antes me despertaba desvelado una hora antes de que el despertador sonara, ahora me levanto con sueño después de sonar un par de veces, algún fin de semana me he levantado a las 12 AM y he dormido de un tirón más de 10 horas seguidas, ahora duermo de un tirón sin despertarme por la noche y si me despierto vuelvo a coger el sueño enseguida. El resto de los síntomas que puede tener uno por estrés disminuyen o desaparecen, porque una persona que logra tener la mente y el cuerpo descansada ve las cosas de otra manera y rinde mucho más.”
Ricardo | Spain
“Hello, my name’s Antonio and I would like to share the experience I had with José Figueroa and its Bach Flowers and Reiki therapies. Last year a taxi driver from Los Cristianos, who witnessed one of my panic attacks episodes and extreme anxiety, gave me José’s card and swore to me that one of his colleague, who also suffered from this horrible situation for years, totally cured himself, with drops of flowers. Furthermore, he told me that the wife one of his friends, who also suffered of depression and took tablets for many years cured herself thanks to the Flowers and a very interesting energy massage. I also had been very depressed, for some years, but all that seemed a little strange and too easy to be true. Nevertheless the taxi driver was very convincing and, actually, while I was taking some “tranquimasin”* he called José Figueroa on his own phone and hand the device to me. The rest is history…. My life changed so dramatically that sometimes it makes me spin. The anxiety disappeared, the irrational panic attacks have not returned. I have understood many things about myself and my old fears, actually my self esteem has never been better and although my economic situation has always been wonderful as I am an industrialist, now I really LIVE my success I don’t merely survive as I did before.”
Antonio Méndez Martinez | Spain
” Taking the workshop with Jose Figueroa has been a turning point in my life. I have already taken Reiki 1, 2 and 3 and have been a practicing Reiki Master since 1996. I am a reflexologist, a naturalmedical aromatherapist and I work with ear acupuncture among other therapies. I have been working as a therapist and teacher since 1991. I found that my practice changed after attending the first workshop. I now find that the healing energy is with me in all my treatments and my clients comment how they can feel a different strength/power in my treatments. My intuition has also increased and I feel as though it guides me much more than previously. I feel that what I am now experiencing in my treatments is quite amazing and I am humble and thankful for what is happening. I look forward to continuing my education with Jose.”
Anne Karin, Reiki Master, Massage Therapist, Aromatherapy Teacher | Norway